Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A funny thing happened on my way to say congratulations.

I am an avid reader of Molly's blog-Orangette-and wanted to pay her my congratulations upon receiving a book deal, so in the process- lo and behold- found myself with my own blog!

Hmm. Interesting place to find myself in. New territory- unexplored ideas- a new frontier.

I have started rereading Simple Abundance- A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach as a way of my new year's meditation and hopefully to find inspiration for my next journey. Yesterday's passage was titled "Loving the Questions." As Sarah says, "The answers to your questions will come, but only after you know which ones are worth asking.’

So today I begin this blog by asking the question “what shall this blog be?” I have many possible ideas: A place to share creative ideas, a place to seek comrades in the Midlife Career Crisis I find myself in, a place to explore the place I never thought I’d find myself- over 40, single, and perhaps single for the rest of my days. Whatever this blog becomes, I hope that it will offer me and others a place to share moments of thought, insight, spiritual awakenings, crafty ideas and some good simple fun.

Welcome to my blog! I'm glad you're along for the ride.


Deember 2006 on Oahu

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